It a bored day.. n did nthng...
Yesterday, I pon skl n i went hong ming house to slack... I at his house using com, I saw Ming Fen online... Hong ming ask mi to tell her tat can he take his CD back home, because last time he left it at her house... So she said can, when come liao col her.. then We went to take our lunch first then went to her house... We plan tat when we reach her house then col her..
Ming Fen house Downstair
When we reach le, we went up to her house then hong ming shout her name n tell her tat we reach le... but hong ming dunno her mother was at home... Then suddenly, she said wait downstair... so we went down n wait for her... She gave hong ming the CD le.. she went up, N i was think whether wan to slack below her block... So i col her, she said she dun wan to slack... after tat we at her blk downstair slacking... Only miie n Hong Ming...
Both Emo!!! ARH~
Hong ming was thinking whether wan to col xue li come out n slack anot? So he col her twice then she answer the phone.. haha.. Then ok we went to xue li blk n slack wif her... i went to buy so drink... n after tat we walk there to her hse... hong ming wan peeking at the construction worker... i was throwing ice at the construstion worker... hong ming dare myi to throw the whole packet of ice at them... n i nv thinkl of wad happen i jus throw... hong ming at there laughing n scare tat the bagalar were come up..... N here come xue li... she said she wanted to buy hair band... so we follow her to the teck whye market... suddenly at nowhere xue li said she wan to bake cookies.. then went to the supermarket to see how much is the price is the things... We went back to xue li hse again... n we went home...
Shy to take Photo Lady!!!
Written in blood @ 12:13 PM